Rosemary is undoubtedly the most widely used aromatic herb in Italian cuisine. Its name comes from two Latin words: ros and marinus meaning sea dew. The reason for this is probably the fact that its natural habitat can be found in the coastal zones of the Mediterranean sea. Rosemary is used virtually everywhere in cooking: to prepare dishes based on meat and legumes (especially with chick peas and beans); also with fish and seafood (especially with cuttlefish and calamari); with all vegetables, particularly potatoes, eggplants, pumpkins and courgettes. It is also added to the confectionery, for example, those made on the basis of chestnuts. This plant has also properties which facilitate digestion, it is antiseptic and it can alleviate muscle pain and rheumatism.
Store in a dry place away from the sources of light.
In cucina lo si utilizza veramente ovunque: nelle preparazioni a base di carne; in tutte le preparazioni a base di legumi (soprattutto insieme ai ceci e ai fagioli); nel pesce (in particolare con seppie e totani); con tutte le verdure, particolarmente con patate, melanzane, zucchine e zucca. Viene usato anche nei dolci, per esempio in quelli a base di castagne.
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