Artichokes are fruits which come from the selection of artichoke-like thistles. The first edible artichokes were selected in Sicily, where in the spring it is difficult to overlook the fields covered with beautiful, bright cardoon flowers – they are cousins of the artichoke that we know today. There are many varieties of artichokes. The ones cultivated in our region are the purple “catanese” and purple Sicilian varieties – they typically belong to autumn, and flower again in the spring. These artichokes have elongated form. When compared to the well known round “romanesco” variety, the colour oscillates between green and purple, to which this variety owes its name. Our artichokes haven’t got any spikes, they are very delicate and tasty. Artichokes are rich in iron and fibre, they improve digestion. Artichoke is a vegetable with a wide spectrum of applications. It can be used in the preparation of fresh, green salads with the artichoke heart, or for preserves – artichokes in oil, in brine or in the form of pâté.
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